

Onboarding is a critical component in ensuring users have a smooth, enjoyable, and effective introduction to a mobile app, which can significantly impact the app's success and user loyalty. SwiftApps comes with pre-built Onboarding flow that you can easily customize for your own brand.

Customizing Screens

Customizing the screens to match your brand is very simple. First, open android/ui/screens/OnboardingScreen.kt file and update the onboardingPages variable. Replace the TITLE 1 and DESCRIPTION 1 text to match your own app.

val onboardingPages = listOf(
        OnboardingPage("TITLE 1", "DESCRIPTION 1", R.drawable.ic_onboarding_1),
        OnboardingPage("TITLE 2", "DESCRIPTION 2", R.drawable.ic_onboarding_2),

To change the images, add in your image file to the res/drawbale folder and update the R.drawable.ic_onboarding_1 value to your image name R.drawbale.your_image_name

To add or remove screens from the Onboarding flow, you can just add or remove the OnboardingPage item in the onboardingPages variable

Adding a new screen:

val onboardingPages = listOf(
        OnboardingPage("TITLE 1", "DESCRIPTION 1", R.drawable.ic_onboarding_1),
        OnboardingPage("TITLE 2", "DESCRIPTION 2", R.drawable.ic_onboarding_2),
        OnboardingPage("TITLE 3", "DESCRIPTION 3", R.drawable.ic_onboarding_3),